PapersThe European Union in the WorldTHE WORLD IN 2024: ten issues that will shape the international agenda

THE WORLD IN 2024: ten issues that will shape the international agenda


2024 will be a year of ballots and bullets. The elections held in more than 70 countries will serve as a stress test for the democratic system, and the impact of the multiple conflicts stoking global instability will shape a world in the throes of a global power shift and a clear regression in terms of humanitarianism and fundamental rights. The erosion of international norms is more acute than ever, and events become more unpredictable. 2024 begins wide open, marked by an increasingly diverse and (dis)organised world, with hanging interests and alliances in issues such as geopolitical competition, green and digital transitions, or international security. The economic consequences of the succession of crises of recent years will be more visible in 2024: economic growth will be weak, and China’s downturn will reverberate in emerging economies, in a climate of rapid tightening of financial conditions and a strong dollar.

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Authors: Carme Colomina (ed.); Inés Arco; Anna Ayuso et al.

This text has originally been published on the CIDOB website.

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