PapersThe European Union in the WorldWhen politics shapes the investment agenda: what can be expected from Chinese...

When politics shapes the investment agenda: what can be expected from Chinese investors in SEE in 2024?


In our previous study, published in June 2023, we tried to make it abundantly clear that trends in Chinese outbound foreign direct investments (OFDI) cannot be examined in a vacuum. In a highly interconnected global landscape, Beijing has to deal with both external and domestic uncertainties without compromising its economic growth. Thus, we concluded that it is essential to take stock of the interaction between domestic-driven factors and external driving forces shaped by third factors (evolving China-US rivalry, the ongoing war in Ukraine, the recent global pandemic), since both contribute to shaping Beijing’s investment priorities. This multilevel approach can help us explain past patterns, but also outline future trends concerning the volume, sectoral focus, and implications of Chinese outbound FDI in Southeast Europe (SEE).

Full text version (PDF)

Author: Ioannis Alexandris, Research Fellow, ELIAMEP South-East Europe Programme.

This text has originally been published on the ELIAMEP website.

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