The EU and North Africa

By euiss

This Chaillot Paper analyses the EU’s relations with five North African countries – Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia. In particular it focuses on how the fallout of the war in Ukraine as well as the ongoing migration crisis have affected relations. The volume addresses some of the perceived shortfalls in the current EU strategy towards these countries and identifies future areas of both tension and cooperation. The five country-specific chapters examine the EU approach to each individual country and provide a range of policy recommendations for the EU’s foreign policy in North Africa. One aspect on which the authors agree is the need for the EU to pay more attention to its southern neighbourhood as its influence has diminished considerably in the region.

Full text version (PDF)

Editor: Dalia Ghanem, Senior Analyst in charge of the Middle East and North Africa portfolio at the EUISS.

Authors: Adel Abdel Ghafar, Fellow and Director of the Foreign Policy and Security programme at the Middle East Council on Global Affairs; Intissar Fakir, Senior Fellow and Director of the Middle East Institute’s North Africa and Sahel programme; Eya Jrad, Assistant Professor of Security Studies & Comparative Systems in Tunisia and a NATO Mediterranean Dialogue Fellow; Tarek Megerisi, Senior Policy Fellow with the Middle East and North Africa programme at the European Council on Foreign Relations.

This text has originally been published on the euiss website.

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