PapersTech and InnovationNew biotechnologies, allies for food safety in the face of climate change....

New biotechnologies, allies for food safety in the face of climate change. Where does Europe stand?

By Fondation Robert Schuman

The food market is currently marked by soaring prices and shortages due to supply shocks in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, but also to repeated extreme weather events linked to climate change; and finally, to geopolitical conflicts, in particular Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. All innovations must be used to ensure food security, particularly for the European Union.

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Author: Agnès Ricroch, Lecturer and researcher in genetics and plant breeding at AgroParisTech, Palaiseau and at the Université Paris Saclay, Faculté Jean-Monnet, IDEST laboratory, Sceaux, France. Secretary of the Life Sciences section at the French Academy of Agriculture. Member of the Ethics Committee of the French Order of Veterinary Surgeons.

This text has originally been published on the Robert Schuman Foundation website.

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